
Car Wash Owner:
Have you ever thought about this? Did you know only 18% of all small businesses that are available for sale, actually sell. What happens to the rest of them (82%) and why? To most small business owners the eventual sale of their business represents the means for them to realize their retirement dreams. The big problem is that most car wash owners are not experienced in the process of planning, pricing and marketing their business in order to realize the maximum value for it, and all too often, this can result in their business ending up in the 82% group referred to above that never sell.
If you are considering selling your gas station or car wash business, now is the time to begin the planning process, positioning yourself and your business to maximize the value of your business when it is eventually sold.
CWB can help you to understand some of the issues that can arise when a business is being sold that can either prevent a sale from happening or cause a deal to fall apart. Our experience in accumulating all relevant information needed for buyers review, lenders muster and ultimately, appraisers is now available. These documents can now be professionally prepared in our “Car Wash Package”. Details on preparing these packages can be obtained by contacting our offices.
I am Roger Pencek (MBA) founder and broker for CWB, Inc.  and have been personally selling car washes and gas stations since 1985. I am committed to my clients by utilizing the highest standards of professionalism, integrity and confidentiality which these packages command. References and list of recent sales are available upon written request.
If you have any questions regarding the enclosed information or if you would like to further explore the process of selling your business, please feel free to contact me. It is my mission to help owners by answering your questions about selling your business and helping you to understand the process. All communications will be kept strictly confidential.

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